Disability Placards: SB 3216 passes Committee and Heads to Senate Floor for Second Reading

Disability Placards: SB 3216 passes Committee and Heads to Senate Floor for Second Reading

Feb 14, 2022

PTs are trained to evaluate individuals with disabilities - so why shouldn't they be added to the list of health care providers who can verify if a person is temporarily or permanently disabled? The Senate License Committee certainly agreed with the recommendation that Physical Therapists be added to the lists of persons who can verify that a person is a person with disabilities for the purposes of qualifying for a temporary or permanent disability placard. Last week, SB 3216 passed out of committee on the agreed bill list, receiving full bipartisan support.

Adding physical therapists to the list of health care providers who can certify if a person is temporarily or permanently disabled will reduce overall costs of healthcare for the consumer and insurer - and expedite the process by eliminating extra visits to other health care providers to complete the certification process.

Many temporary disabilities involving the musculoskeletal system are evaluated and treated by physical therapists without the involvement of other health care professionals. Currently, the system requires the physical therapist to refer patients to a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse, optometrist, chiropractor, or physician assistant to be certified for a disability placard. Eliminating this referral is cost and time effective for the patient, physician, and insurer.

Original post: https://www.ipta.org/news/595009/Disability-Placards-SB-3216-passes-Committee-and-Heads-to-Senate-Floor-for-Second-Reading.htm

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